Wednesday, September 16, 2009

How to make a Quality Blog Post

For bloggers this has been one of the toughest jobs one needs to overcome. For a few months that I have been blogging I have created some post that did not catch a lot of readers and I have also copied some content during the earlier days of my blogging career. I have created this post because I want to place it on my blog for other people to read it and I want to keep myself reminded of it from time to time.

So here are my own tips on HOW TO MAKE A QUALITY BLOG POST:

  1. Best way to start creating your post is of course is to select a topic. While you are still planning of writing a post for you blog, try to think a topic as well. 
  2. Research on the topic that you want to write about, try reading on some of the bloggers post and compare all their comments and reviews, and then come up with your own opinion and make your own review about it based on your own research. 
  3. After you are done with your research, create a plan on how you would want your post to look like, prepare all the necessary stuff like bookmarking buttons and links to the blog post that you have visited or refer to them on your post. In short create a concept on what you post should be. 
  4. After all that is done, it's time to write, and when you write something there is always an introduction, now when you write your intro, make an intro that would make your readers want to read more, make them interested, best way to do that is to write it in your own words, no fancy-shmancy, just plain writing, just like talking to a person, think what is the reason why I have created this post, what made me write this article, and then after that everything will follow.
  5. When you are done with your introduction, don't forget to review it as it is important in convincing your readers to continue on reading the whole article. Now, writing the body of the article, when writing the body of the article, this would not be hard because you already have researched about it, but still try to put your thoughts in words more plainly, just use small paragraphs, easy to understand words, and also remember the links, this is where you put your links to other blog post, don't forget to put all the necessary stuff in here, pictures, videos, but don't put unrelated videos or pictures. This would be important because it will help put more value to your post. 
  6. After that is done, don't forget to review the your article. 
  7. Now it's time to create a Title to for your article. How to create a Good Title for your Blog Post? Okay, this one is hard to do as this is also one of the biggest factors in blogging, it will determine where your blog post will rest in Search Engine Results. My tip for this one to think about a catchy phrase which you think will make the reader think it is an interesting article. 
  8. Now, after that here comes tagging or labeling, use Google Adwords if you are unsure of what labels to put that is related to you article, Adwords will help you in that field. Just use meta keywords and descriptive tags.
  9. Finally, Publish it!! 
So, those are my 9 tips on HOW TO MAKE A QUALITY BLOG POST. Hope it will be of good use to you.. Thanks! :)) Just keep on posting.

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