Thursday, August 13, 2009

Sony PSP Go!

Okay, so not all of us have tried every game there is for the Sony PSP right? And now here is another Sony portable device that is rumored to take Sony PSP's place. This Sony product is called Sony PSP Go. This product was introduced during the E3 2009 Conference. And it's coming out October 1st for an introductory price of $249.00.

It is 50% smaller than the original PSP device and also 40% lighter. With this one Sony had made a big change with the gadget. Instead of the Universal Multi-media disk drive they replaced it with digital download which is what makes it even better than the original PSP. So you don't have to buy game cd's instead you are going to download it. Which is more nifty.

So guys! What do you think about the new PSP Go???

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